What We're Reading

HASI Reading List Collection

The books lining our shelves help us to reflect on our core values and support ongoing engagement and connection with the world we all share. Every month, we gather to share insights on selected books that relate to our investment thesis and the economics, politics, physics, and the reality of climate change.

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together

By Heather McGhee

Reviewed by Michelle Guevara — IT Business Analyst

Why can’t we have nice things?  In healthcare, education, and infrastructure–the U.S. continually ranks lower than comparable industrialized nations.  Why? Why when faced with the choice to share public pools, communities choose to drain the pools and close them at a loss to everyone?  Heather McGhee’s The Sum of US is a pointed and timely examination of the unequivocal reality that Americans have collectively accepted around the historical racial hierarchy conceived at the very founding of the nation, the continuation of which has led to innumerable and tangible losses for all of us, not just those immediately affected.  That when we fall for the insidious belief that prosperity for some must come at the expense others, we all lose.  Heather posits a parallel contrast to this zero-sum mentality, that when we embrace and seek to optimize for the collective wellbeing and equitable outcomes, we can all exponentially prosper.



In the case of climate change, this reality may be most prominently so. The illusion that some may be spared the consequences from decisions made in tolerance of sacrificing the wellbeing and safety of others is increasingly difficult to ignore.   The rise in the prevalence of extremes in weather, droughts, wildfires, blackouts, and the poisoning of entire cities that result from neglected infrastructures, the injury and destruction is not as selective as those electing to disregard these realities may want to believe.  The depth and breadth of the cost and impact to the health, safety, and security of all inhabitants on this planet is inextricably linked to our individual willingness to accept that we are not all in this together; that the cost born by “others” does not ultimately affect us too.

Through detailed stories and grounded research, the true cost of racism is laid bare, but examples and a clear framework are presented for an alternative path forward.  Heather McGhee’s The Sum of Us:  What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together is a must-read for everyone, and hopefully will inspire more of us to have the courage to seek opportunities to work together to achieve the solidarity dividends yet to be realized.

Additional content from the author:

Heather McGhee, 2019 TED Talk – Racism destroys public goods and the public will to support them.

Video clip –  How racism drives inequality for everyone. Discussion on the author’s experience through her work facing objections when making the economic case for caring for one another, the obstacle to our collective willingness to invest in our people and our future.