investing in climate change solutions - play video link
investing in climate change solutions - play video link
Years of Experience 40+40+ Years of ExperienceYears ofExperience Tons of Co2 Co2 Number Number8 Million Metric Tons of CO2Million Metric Tons of CO2Avoided Annually 11 Managed Assets Managed Assets Number Greater than sign> 1212 Dollar Sign Billion of Managed AssetsBillion ofManaged Assets

Investment Thesis

We will earn better risk-adjusted returns by investing on the right side of the climate change line.



Energy Efficiency
Residential Solar
Community Solar



Fuels, Transport
& Nature

Fleet Decarbonization
Ecological Restoration

What We Do

HASI actively partners with clients to deploy real assets that facilitate the energy transition. Our goal is to generate attractive returns from a diversified portfolio of projects with long-term, predictable cash flows from proven technologies that reduce carbon emissions or increase resilience to climate change.

Our investments have taken many forms, including equity, joint ventures, land ownership, lending, or other financing transactions. In addition to Net Investment Income from our portfolio, we also generate ongoing fees through gain-on-sale securitization transactions, asset management, and other services.

Investment Examples

behind the meter photo

Fuels, Transport & Nature

behind the meter photo


sustainable infrastructure photo



>$125 million

Senior debt investment with an energy service company in a portfolio of operating Landfill Gas-to-RNG and Wastewater Treatment Biogas-to-RNG plant

Wind, Solar

>1.3 GW

Minority stake, common equity investment in a portfolio of 17 operating solar projects and one operating wind project located across six states

Community Solar, C&I Solar

>605 MW

Structured equity investment in a 605 MW portfolio of solar and solar-plus-storage assets spanning seven power markets and 11 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont

behind the meter photo


grid connected photo


grid connected photo

Fuels, Transport & Nature

C&I Solar

131 MW

Equity investment in a 131 MW portfolio of distributed solar and solar-plus-storage projects across 10 states (California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Virginia)

Wind, Solar, Solar-Plus-Storage

>$660 million

Structured equity investment with Clearway Energy in a 2.0 GW portfolio of contracted, grid-connected wind, solar, and solar-plus storage projects, located across four states, with predominantly investment grade counterparties and a weighted average contract life of 14 years

Fleet Decarbonization

>$70 million

Investment with a sustainable transportation fleet provider to modernize the fleet services through software for a major metropolitan school district, and eventual electrification of the bus fleet

behind the meter photo

Fuels, Transport & Nature


>$125 million

Senior debt investment with an energy service company in a portfolio of operating Landfill Gas-to-RNG and Wastewater Treatment Biogas-to-RNG plant

grid connected photo


Wind, Solar

>1.3 GW

Minority stake, common equity investment in a portfolio of 17 operating solar projects and one operating wind project located across six states

grid connected photo


Community Solar, C&I Solar

>605 MW

Structured equity investment in a 605 MW portfolio of solar and solar-plus-storage assets spanning seven power markets and 11 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont

behind the meter photo


C&I Solar

131 MW

Equity investment in a 131 MW portfolio of distributed solar and solar-plus-storage projects across 10 states (California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Virginia)

grid connected photo


Wind, Solar, Solar-Plus-Storage

>$660 million

Structured equity investment with Clearway Energy in a 2.0 GW portfolio of contracted, grid-connected wind, solar, and solar-plus storage projects, located across four states, with predominantly investment grade counterparties and a weighted average contract life of 14 years

sustainable infrastructure photo

Fuels, Transport & Nature

Fleet Decarbonization

>$70 million

Investment with a sustainable transportation fleet provider to modernize the fleet services through software for a major metropolitan school district, and eventual electrification of the bus fleet

1. Cumulative metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions avoided through HASI’s investments since 2013